This year, we will feature 2 Full Days plus 2 Fun Evening Events; Welcome Event and Meet & Greet Event.
There are 2 tracks all day long, so attendees can customize their day to meet their needs.
There will be a professional track running
Special interest meet ups will be organized at lunchtime.
* Schedule and speakers are subject to change.

Thursday | May 5, 2022
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Welcome Reception
Kick off the NAC 2020 with Some Fun and Relaxation. ASA Philly will be hosting a Welcome Reception to kick off the National Autism Conference. Please join us in the Grand Foyer, for lite fare and cash bar as we mingle with fellow parents and speakers.
All are welcome! Book your room, meet some new people, take a few hours to relax and be ready to go in the morning.
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Friday | May 6, 2022
8:00am – 8:15am
Believe Track
Welcome Address
By Honey Rinicella
Event Coordinator
Achieve Track
Welcome Address
By Pattie Moor
NAA Pennsylvania Volunteer
8:15am – 9:15am
Believe Track
Gut On Fire: The role of SIBO, Dysbiosis, and the power of leveraging the microbiome
Achieve Track
Changing the Course of Anxiety, ADHD and Depression Through Genetics Guidance
Abstract Coming Soon
9:15am – 10:15am
Believe Track
Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for Treating Gastrointestinal Problems in Children with ASD
Hope Track
Nonspeakers Are Speaking Up!: Spelling to Commuicate panel presentation
By Elizabeth Vosseller, M.A., Tom Foti, Emily Pinto and A Panel of Non-speakers
Abstract Coming Soon
Achieve Track
Puberty: Surviving Teens, Hormones & Rage
10:15am – 11:00am
All Tracks
AM Snacks, Coffee and Exhibitor Viewing
11:00am – 12:00pm
Believe Track
Keynote Address: Create Your Best Life
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Believe Track
Allergy, Asthma, Eczema & MCA in Integrative Medicine
By Michael W. Elice, M.D.
Abstract Coming Soon
Hope Track
Identifying Treatable Issues Within ASD
Achieve Track
Understanding and Utilizing the VBMAPP & ABLLS-R to Help Your Child Reach Their Full Potential
Abstract Coming Soon
1:00pm – 2:00pm
All Tracks
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Believe Track
Advanced Diet Strategies and Micronutrient Testing
3:00pm – 3:45pm
All Tracks
PM Snacks, Coffee and Exhibitor Viewing
3:45pm – 4:45pm
Believe Track
Identification and Treatment of Seizures and Seizure-like Activity in Autism
Achieve Track
Empowering Individuals with Disabilities to Lead
By Bev Weinberg
4:45pm – 5:30pm
Hope Track
RPM: Creating ways to achieve communication
By Meg Murphy and Shannon Zish
Abstract Coming Soon
Achieve Track
Our Journey Out of Autism: A mother’s story
By Lori Knowles
Wrap Up
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Meet & Greet Reception:
Mingle with the Speakers and Fellow Attendees
Light Fare & Cash Bar
Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for Treating Gastrointestinal Problems in Children with ASD
We conducted a Phase 1 clinical trial of an Investigational New Drug involving 2 weeks of oral vancomycin (to kill unhealthy gut bacteria), followed by a bowel cleanse and then Full Spectrum Microbiota (FSM) from healthy donors to create a healthy GI microbiome.
We treated children ages 7-17 years who had ASD and moderate or severe gastrointestinal problems. We administered MTT in two stages: an oral or rectal dose, followed by 7-8 weeks of oral administration. There was an 82% reduction in GI symptoms, and a 25% reduction in autism symptoms. Their bacterial diversity significantly increased, from 25% below normal to normal. At the 8-week follow-up, the improvements in GI symptoms, ASD symptoms, and microbiome diversity were stable. At the two-year follow-up, most of the GI improvements remained, and there was a 47% reduction in ASD symptoms compared to baseline.
Puberty: Surviving Teens, Hormones & Rage
Treating Hormones, Rage, Dysautonomia and Aggression
Adolescence is a time for learning and change, however for many patients on the Autism Spectrum puberty can be a rough transition to adulthood. Hormonal changes may trigger issues in sleep, adrenal function, and blood sugar regulation which may lead to abnormal mood and behavior. Abnormal hormone regulation can also lead to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. By addressing these underlying issues symptoms of aggression and rage can be helped greatly.
Gut On Fire: The role of SIBO, Dysbiosis, and the power of leveraging the microbiome
The inflamed disrupted gut is a complex medical issue that we face in the biomedical treatment of children on the Spectrum as well as in many adults. The resulting overgrowth of opportunistic and pathogenic organisms leads to the conditions we so commonly find –dysbiosis, SIBO, and suppressed immune function. Dysbiosis is the imbalance of microorganisms Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is this opportunistic overgrowth in the small intestine, amplified by an abnormal motility pattern of the intestines. The damage created by this overgrowth leads to the inability of the intestines to do the work of digestion, which leads to more bacterial overgrowth, and thus the cycle continues-with ever increasing PAIN, bloating and misery.
Patients with multiple digestive problems, including children with autism may be at risk for developing SIBO. Dr. Logan will discuss the assessment, treatment options, and steps for correcting these imbalances and outline the road to recovery and relief from these complex conditions. Additionally she will discuss some of the novel discoveries in leveraging the microbiome to counteract the destructive effects of antibiotic use and systemic inflammation.
Keynote Address: Create Your Best Life
Once described by NPR as “Chief strategist and leader of the troops” when it came to raising and educating her son, Chantal Sicile-Kira shares how she successfully changed the prognosis given to her son Jeremy when he was first diagnosed at age three with autism: life in an institution. Thirty-one years later and now an award-winning artist, Jeremy is living a productive life of his own choosing, with needed supports. Chantal shares tips on how to plant the seeds for fostering important life skills at any age and any ability level; skills such as forming relationships, becoming a self-advocate, and living a self-determined life. By focusing on your child’s strengths and cultivating their interests, life-changing gifts can be uncovered; affirming that “not like the others” means being different, but not less.
Identifying Treatable Issues Within ASD
This presentation will provide participants with a detailed overview of the biomedical approach to ASD. Traditional medicine is focusing on the behaviors of ASD, instead of the cause of your child’s signs and symptoms. Biomedicine represents a paradigm shift in your child’s care, in getting our children necessary and appropriate treatment for their medical conditions.
ASD affects multiple biomedical processes in the body negatively including: methylation, detoxification, gastrointestinal processes, and the immune system. The dysfunction of these systems lead to viscous cycles in our children, which need to be corrected. The biomedical approach concentrates on breaking these vicious cycles through a comprehensive investigation into the sources of the problem, followed by treatment of the causes of the dysfunction.
Dr. Montico will provide and overview of the vicious cycles in ASD. The audience will gain a broader understanding of what is broken, in an effort to guide them towards what can fix it. A number of interventions and treatments will be reviewed. In addition, Dr. Montico wants the audience to not only understand the biomedical approach to care, but also to pursue it as the foundation in healing their children.
While understanding the vicious cycles of dysfunction, as well appropriate interventions for that dysfunction is important, it is also important that we take action. Dr. Montico will outline what parents should expect from a biomedical evaluation including: initial evaluation, laboratory workup, and comprehensive treatment.
A diagnosis of ASD can be overwhelming to parents, this presentation aims to give parents a comprehensive review of the biomedical approach… from start to finish.
Advanced Diet Strategies and Micronutrient Testing
What you probably know:
• Kids on the spectrum are often deficient in multiple nutrients as a result of limited intake, abnormal digestive function and increased therapeutic needs.
• Supporting normal nutrient status can improve a variety of functional and behavioral impairments common in ASD, including speech, aggression and self-injurious behavior
What you will learn:
• The importance of looking at Micronutrient patterns, not just individual nutrients
• Which nutrient interactions can enhance or interfere with others
• How to prioritize nutritional interventions for best outcomes
Identification and Treatment of Seizures and Seizure-like Activity in Autism
Dr. Rossignol will review the evidence for seizures and epileptiform activity in children with autism, including the link between abnormal EEG findings and autism behaviors. He will also discuss normal brain function, the mechanisms of seizures in autism, and potential treatments. This lecture will review actual cases of children with autism to emphasize that these EEG problems are treatable.
Empowering Individuals with Disabilities to Lead
By Bev Weinberg
Maya Angelou said, “You can’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” Learn how Integrate for Good helps remove that extra glove, empowering people with disabilities to get in the game as pitchers as well as catchers, sharing their talent as leaders on college campuses and within corporations.
Our Journey Out of Autism: A mother’s story
By Lori Knowles
Unsure if you should consider biomedical approaches in treating autism? Are you confused about where and how to get started? Lori’s presentation is designed for those new to the biomedical approach and for those seeking an easy to understand overview of some of the most important biomedical treatments. She will include an overview of the most important treatments including dietary intervention, yeast treatments, nutritional supplements, detoxification, and other alternative treatments that helped contribute to her son’s recovery. This is a practical and parent friendly presentation that will inspire and give you hope. Share in Daniel’s progress through his mother’s account, pictures and video segments.
Saturday | May 7, 2022
8:00am – 8:15am
Believe Track
Welcome Address
By Honey Rinicella
Event Coordinator
Hope Track
Welcome Address
By Beth DiPasquale
Achieve Track
Welcome Address
By Pattie Moor
NAA Pennsylvania Volunteer
sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod.
8:15am – 9:15am
Believe Track
Amygdala, Fear and Inflammation: The fateful triangle in autism
Abstract Coming Soon
Hope Track
Mycotoxins: The Hidden Cause of Inflammatory Illness
9:15am – 10:15am
Believe Track
Improving Language in Apraxia and Additional Speech Disorders
Abstract Coming Soon
Hope Track
Hope and Possibilities: Treating Chronic Illness with Hbot
By Shannon Kenitz and Dr. Jason Sonners
Achieve Track
A Full Life with Autism: Making it Happen
10:15am – 11:00am
All Tracks
AM Snacks, Coffee and Exhibitor Viewing
11:00am – 12:00pm
Believe Track
Changing the Narrative on Autism: How nonspeakers have informed us
Abstract Coming Soon
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Hope Track
Environmental Issues within ASD
1:00pm – 2:00pm
All Tracks
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Believe Track
Advanced Insight on Treating Mitochondrial Issues
Hope Track
Stress and Toxicity: How they correlate and practical solutions to improve your child’s health
Abstract Coming Soon
Achieve Track
Post Secondary Parenting, Life Skills and Beyond
Abstract Coming Soon
3:00pm – 3:45pm
All Tracks
PM Snacks, Coffee and Exhibitor Viewing
3:45pm – 4:45pm
Believe Track
POTS/PANS: Perspective from an affected individual
Abstract Coming Soon
4:45pm – 5:15pm
Believe Track
Question and Answer
Wrap Up
Mycotoxins: The Hidden Cause of Inflammatory Illness
Mycotoxin exposure is more common than previously thought, and in genetically susceptible individuals, can lead to crippling illness. Biotoxin mediated illness can look and act just like Lyme disease, and often goes along with a Lyme infection. Unresolving inflammation and severe symptoms in many body systems is the hallmark of this disease, earning the name Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)
We are discovering more and more frequently that many of our patients with severe inflammation, allergies, compromised immune function, Mast Cell Activation Disorders, Autism, Pandas, Lyme diagnoses, etc are actually a mold exposure that has been undetected, creating the inflammatory storm that underlies many of these conditions.
In this presentation Dr. Logan will discuss the discovery, diagnosis and treatment of this illness, and discuss its possible relationship to PANS/PANDAS, as well as it’s role in Autism severity.
Improving Language in Apraxia and Additional Speech Disorders
By Dr. Julie Logan
If Only My Child Could Talk!: The role of neuroinflammation in apraxia and novel approaches to repairing cellular damage in the brain to restore communication
Speech is how we share our minds and hearts and love with other human beings. The inability to speak is probably the most agonizing loss we face as parents of children on the autism spectrum.
The barrage of toxic chemicals, metals, and other immune irritants can start even before birth, and mounts immediately thereafter. This leads to severe oxidative stress and chronic inflammation which disrupt the delicate immune balance in the brain, leading to damage to the cell membranes and myelin coverings of the central nervous system-. This neuroinflammation hinders cell to cell communication and connectivity, leading to many of the symptoms of autism– especially Apraxia. We will discuss some of the main factors that lead to neuroimflammation as well as effective therapies for restoring immune balance and rebuilding healthy cells that are able to communicate.
Advanced Insight on Treating Mitochondrial Issues
This interactive lecture is geared to both children who are suspected of having mitochondrial dysfunction (MtD) and to children who have already been diagnosed. Tools will be provided which will allow most parents to determine the likelihood of MtD in their child as unlikely, possible, probable or definite. For children who already have a diagnosis of MtD, an in-depth analysis of the medical literature will review treatment options. If available, please bring test results for lactic acid, alanine, lactate/pyruvate ratio and Mito Swab results. Attendees will leave with a plan of action.
Hope and Possibilities Treating Chronic Illness with Hbot
By Shannon Kenitz and Dr. Jason Sonners
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used for a treating chronic illness for children for years. This lecture will cover one girls journey using Hbot while also discussing how Hbot can help with chronic illness in children and young adults with Autism , CP, Mitochondrial disorders, GI disorders and more. We will cover how decreasing inflammation through the use of Hbot can change the body’s way of healing these conditions.
A Full Life with Autism: Making it Happen
The transition out of school district services to adulthood can be challenging for both young adults and their parents. This presentation based on Chantal and Jeremy Sicile-Kira’s book, A Full Life with Autism, explains how parents can best prepare themselves and their young adult for this important life change. Topics discussed include: what skills your young adult needs to learn while still in the school system, and how building on a person’s strength or special interest can create community and social connections and employment opportunities. The topics of dating, sexuality and safety will be touched on briefly.
Environmental Issues within ASD
The environment around us is constantly changing and usually not for the better. We MUST be able to recognize, try to avoid, and then remove these toxins safely so they do not negatively affect our health and metabolism. Many children and adults with ASD have alterations in their biochemistry and genetic polymorphisms, whereby they are disadvantaged in the ability to cleanse and nourish their cells ideally. We need to first identify the harmful ingredients to avoid (i.e., heavy metals, chemicals, GMOs, plastics, hormone disrupters, pesticide exposures) and then identify and treat effectively many of the complicated tick-borne diseases as well as fungal infections.
It is no longer “You are what you eat,” but should be “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, WHICH YOU CANNOT EXCRETE.” Once we can identify these harmful agents, we need to determine how to safely rid these toxins, reduce the inflammatory processes they create, and oxygenate the tissues in order for tissue repair to be optimized. Safe Hyperbaric therapies and chelation therapies will be overviewed
I hope to be able to share a great deal of information on how to safely repair ourselves, especially since many environmental insults are growing around us exponentially as WE NEED TO RESTORE OURSELVES TO A MORE HEALTHFUL STATE!